With re-covery pronounced a certainty and erstwhile hidden gang of analysts & technical chartists re-grabbing max space on business channels, its time to again re-listen to some their patent lines:
1. 'If Nifty holds up xxxx level, then yy stock can go upto zz level' --- It is assumed that investor will overlook 'if' condition and concentrate to returns from 'then'.
2. 'Momentum can take xx stock to yy level' --- Who's this 'momentum' is rarely understood but is considered strong enuf for the job.
3. 'Buy x stock at y price with a stop loss at z level' -- Rest assured that stop loss would get triggered the same day when u buy at the recommended price.
4. 'As of now we have no holdings in the stock' --- The most important line is said in the last in the softest tone and in shortest possible time.
Finally, can't help but remember The Devil's dictionary at this point which aptly described analysts recommendations:
Strong Buy --- Buy
Buy --- Hold
Hold --- Sell
Sell --- It's too late :)
Buy --- Hold
Hold --- Sell
Sell --- It's too late :)